Rossmoyne Primary School was selected to become an Independent Public School (IPS) in 2015. Being an IPS entitles our school to increased flexibility and responsibility to make local decisions across a range of school operations to enhance the outcomes of our students. Independent Public Schools establish a School Board. The board is a key decision-making group which makes a significant contribution to the development of our school.
The purposes of our School Board include:
Our School Board office bearers include the Principal, four staff, six parents/carers and one community member. Staff members are elected from, and by, staff at the school and contribute their educational expertise. Parents/carers of children attending the school are elected from, and by, parents/carers. They contribute their experience as parents/carers of our school and the views and context of the wider school community. When there is a vacancy on the School Board, the Principal will call for nominations, and if needed, conduct an election. Once the votes are received and tallied, the Principal advises all candidates and the school community of the outcome. Staff and parent representatives are appointed for three years but can also be reappointed for further terms. Our School Board meets between four to eight times per year.